Rates independent dramatherapy program
An introduction is always free of charge and without obligation.
Individual dramatherapy session: 100,-
Dramatherapy is (partially) reimbursed by a number of health insurers from a supplementary package. Drama therapy then falls under professional therapy and therefore under alternative medicine. I am a member of the FVB. Want to know if you can get a (partial) reimbursement from your (Dutch) health insurance? Go to zorgwijzer.nl and search for your insurance and package. Does it say under the conditions: ‘Only via FVB’ or is there no condition mentioned? Then you can get a (partial) reimbursement from your additional package.
After each appointment you can pay by pin. If you want, you will receive an invoice. You can submit this invoice yourself to your health insurance company. If a (partial) reimbursement is available, the health insurer will pay this to you.
NB. Appointments that are cancelled within 24 hours before the start will be charged at 50%.
Rates for combination treatment programs psychotherapy and dramatherapy
Combination treatment 1NP: The costs are fully reimbursed by your (Dutch) health insurer from your basic health insurance package (with the exception of your deductible).
Empower Psychotherapy Treatment Combination: depending on your health insurance plan, the costs will be partially or fully reimbursed (with the exception of the excess). Ask your health insurance company or Empower Psychotherapie for more information.
Combination treatment program Praktijk Bilderbeek: depending on your health insurance plan, the costs will be partially or fully reimbursed (with the exception of the excess). Ask your health insurer or Praktijk Bilderbeek for more information.
NB. Appointments that are cancelled within 24 hours before the start will be charged at 50%.